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Full text: Gender budgeting in Europa (99)

5.5 Switzerland: Gender-responsive Budget Initiatives in Switzerland by Mascha Madörin Since 1994 in Switzerland gender-budgeting is an issue. Many initiatives are carried out at the communal, cantonal and federal government level. The following table shows projects since 2000. Project Context Results What I have learned 1a Expenditure of the city of Zürich for equal opportunity offices, for women's projects and for women artist 1990-2000 Article for publication of equal opp. of- fice. Request of equal opp office. A for- mer small study had already been ma- de. - Expenditure for clothes for police is half as what is spent for projects and equal opportu- nity offices. For women artists the city spent the same amount of money as for the mainte- nance of police dogs. - From 1990-98 the budget quidrupled, but was after cut back to the level of 1993. It was much more cut, than the total budget of the ministry of social af- fairs. Important to look at which organizations get the money for women's projects or special gender mainstreaming projects 1b Cut of subsidies of the city for a youth centre for girls (aged 9-12 years) 2001 Women's association which created this centre asked, small study for press con- ference when they wanted to announce the closure of the centre because of cut subsidies ° The city spends 750'000 CHF more for boys than girls in youth centres °Very problematic benchmarking ° unfair cal- culations of costs Benchmarking as a strategic issue 2 Group created about church ex- penditure, still existing since 2002. Before research was made in one canton about non-paid work of wo- men and men in churches and the question of justice and fairness in churches. Production of a brochure how to look at church budgets Voluntary work, the problems of honorarium and compensations of costs; what type of work is paid and what is not.

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